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360°カメラ きぼう船外で撮影予定 Show more

SRB-3地上燃焼試験 Show more

ロシア Rokot、中国 快舟一号甲遥10箭 Show more

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Capt. Elliot

Ms. Tree ミスツ(テ)リー Mystery (神秘)
Ms. Chief ミスチーフ Mischief (悪戯)

NRC Quest is in position, 514km southwest of the Port of LA, to recover the CRS-18 Dragon capsule.

Splashdown is scheduled for 20:21 UTC tomorrow. Cargo Dragon recoveries are not live-streamed.

19日(月) 21:03
Long March 3B/E
Zhongxing-18 (Chinasat-18)


No. 4着陸機とYutu No. 2月面ローバーがスムーズに目覚め、9か月目に突入しました

Chandrayaan 2 Show more

Igniters need to be inspected. We will try again tomorrow same time.

Soyuz MS-14 docking Show more

SpaceX StarHopper 150 meter hop test Show more
