宇宙やばいグレートウォール@超銀河団Complex is a user on mastodon.cosmicanimal.jp. You can follow them or interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse. If you don't, you can sign up here.

The best memory of my internet life is that #twitter twitter.com/takatasennsei taught me the attached images. In Japanese, it seems to be well known as "3×3の完全虫食い算一覧" gensu.co.jp/saito/puzzle/a65wo

disから始まる真面目スレ Show more

宇宙やばいグレートウォール@超銀河団Complex @fuck_me

まあオレの語彙を使ってくれてる好意は素直にありがたい気がするので、最後にもう少し御気持ちdis御礼しとくか暇人 Show more

dis続 Show more